
Feedback from some of our customers

Below are some testimonials from current and former clients, describing their experiences with Fitbiz. Please feel free to send us your testimonial too – we’d love to hear from you!


  • Two years ago I made the decision to find someone to help me with both diet and fitness.
    At age 50 I was feeling quite physically unwell. At 5 ft 6 I weighed in at a slim 55kg. But I had chronic anaemia, terrible headaches, multiple vitamin deficiencies, high stress cortisol, constipation, bloating and gas.
    I had battled with much of this for a number of years alongside a demanding professional lifestyle. Talking to other women my age it seemed that this was the midlife norm and like many I just found ways to cope and carry on.
    From an exercise perspective I was highly active. Walking for miles along the Scottish coast where I lived at the time and slogging myself to Joe Wicks HIIT routines through the pandemic.
    My diet I thought was equally healthy, vegetarian, with some fish and low fat dairy. I now understand how inadequate my diet was for my body and how weak my body had become as a result of excessive exercise.
    When I started working with Heather I had poor balance, poor flexibility and mobility. My body was literally aching all over whatever I asked it to do.
    Two years on I can testify that working with Heather has been a life changing journey for me.
    Looking back it really was not as hard as I expected it to be and the results have been truly remarkable.
    Within a few months Heather had taught me how to transition towards a higher protein diet with lots of good fats. I resisted this at first, it is a big change to let go of your breakfast cereal for a savoury breakfast for example, but I found my taste buds quickly changed and I felt far less hungry, more full of energy.
    I now understand that eating the correct amount of protein helps your body to grow in strength and importantly to keep many parts of your body healthy.
    Heather also helped me to make some adjustments to my exercise routine. I had already heard that strength training is good for maintaining muscle and bone mass but I just had this deeply ingrained view that you need to do high energy exercise to get fit and avoid gaining weight.
    Heather introduced me to a regularly changing strength building routine with weights, which was something completely new for me but Heather was patient, reassuring and importantly went at my pace so I never really felt I was out of my comfort zone. I never thought I would be able to lift a 20kg dumbbell as when I started, I was afraid to lift 2kg above my head!
    Coupled with yoga and Pilates and daily gentle walking the gains I’ve made in mobility, flexibility and just general wellbeing are undeniable. I sleep well , I move with ease and I feel ten years younger.
    The greatest lesson I’ve learned from Heather is that consistency is all you need, slow and steady really does win the race, not slogging yourself on the treadmill or depriving yourself of the food you like to eat.
    You can’t argue with the data at the end of the day and recently I checked my body composition to find that I have gained 3.8kg of muscle mass in a year and my bone mass has started to improve too.
    Heather is a great all round coach to help you learn the much needed basics of healthy eating and training to be at your best now and in the future. You can’t put a price on having this knowledge whatever age you are.

    Keely, Online Coaching Client
    Keely, Online Coaching Client

  • Having been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I felt it important to improve my upper body strength, and at the same time check that my diet would meet the needs of my body for strength, muscle and bone.

    Heather totally understood the brief and has given me confidence in its effectiveness which has so far been proven on my recent walking holiday. The tough, steep nature of the paths required the use of poles and I found that the strength I had gained in my shoulders was totally up for the task.

    Gilly, Online Coaching Client
    Gilly, Online Coaching Client

  • My name is Rebecca, 27yr old female, who was feeling a bit down with my body and due to a new career wanted to feel stronger and more confident in my physical abilities.

    From my first session with Heather I knew she was a good fit for me in her down to earth attitude and straight to it approach.

    She educated me on simple misconceptions of nutrition and gave some great tips on how to improve my diet and eating routine to boost my energy and achieve the consistency I was after.

    On top of this she designed exercise routines unique to me, my abilities, my schedule and my stress levels. Adapting and changing as we progressed to find weekly routines that work around my busy, high stress life. The way she chose to design my exercise meant I was looking forward to every session and was able to fit it all in.

    I couldn't be happier with the results, I am slimmer, fitter, stronger with a better attitude towards eating and exercise.

    I have achieved my goals of consistency and accountability, and Heather has taught me ways of managing my health that I can implement throughout my routine and life going forwards. I can't recommend her enough!

    Becca, Online Coaching Client
    Becca, Online Coaching Client

  • Heather is a great listener, so she understood exactly what I was looking for in a Personal Trainer. Her sensible approach to diet and exercise meant the pace worked and I could see my achievements week by week. Heather is adaptable, approachable and really cared about my program and I would recommend her to anyone looking for personal training and diet support.

    Helen, Online Coaching Client
    Helen, Online Coaching Client

  • I've been thinking back over the last couple of months and I noticed that I am feeling noticeably better after exercise. I'm not exhausted and achy after every run now and it's fabulous that I've been able to reduce my BP meds. It's been your help making the small changes that have added up to a big difference so thank you.

    Helen, Online Coaching Client
    Helen, Online Coaching Client

  • Having been a sceptic and by no means a gazelle at best (48 yo, beer belly, unfit) I contacted Heather to she if she could assist me. How wrong was I. She is great. Listens, cares and supports me all the way. She is interested in progress and will talk about elements of my exercise regime if it doesn’t quite suit. A very affordable, fun personal trainer of which is already creating results after two months.
    This sceptic will fully endorse heather and her abilities.

    James, Online Coaching Client
    James, Online Coaching Client

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