Weight Loss Archives | Page 14 of 14 | Fitbiz Training

Have You Ruined Your Metabolism?


Is it possible to actually slow down your metabolism by long-term dieting?

Can you make your body burn less calories?

Is starvation mode something which really happens?

Lets answer the starvation mode question straight away – no. It does not really happen. Your body does not get fatter because you are eating too little. Good. Let’s move on.

As for whether you can truly ruin your metabolism and make your body burn less calories, the answer is also no, you cannot truly ruin your metabolism. But, you can make it slower (or just appear slower) – and you can make […]

Is Coaching Better Than Going It Alone?


When you’re trying to get in shape, you have a few options.

You can go it alone.

You can get advice about what to do.

Or you can get advice about what to do AND be coached through it.

Which works best?

This week, a study was released which shows the benefit of working with a coach or trainer.

They took 52 firefighters and assigned them to one of three groups – a group which recieved exercise programming and combined it with coaching on how to do it properly; a group which received only the programming; and a control group […]

Is The Sugar Tax Going To Affect Your Waistline?


So this week saw the Sugar Tax come into effect.

Soft drinks manufacturers have to pay 18p per litre if their drinks contain more than 5g sugar per 100ml, and 24p per litre if the drink contains more than 8g sugar per 100ml.

The result of course is that companies making said drinks are reducing the sugar in their recipes, in order to avoid the tax. I’m all for this, of course its a positive thing.

I don’t think anyone can argue against the fact that we need to be eating less sugar. And I’m not anti […]

What If Meal Timing Was The Solution To Weight Loss?


Isn’t it fascinating that our bodies stick to a pretty similar rhythm every day?

The same part of our body repairs itself at the same time every day. Our bodies are in a constant cycle of repair.

Its called circadian rhythm.

It dictates when we’ll feel tired at night and what time we’ll wake up in the morning.

What if tweaking your diet and lifestyle in line with your circadian rhythm, you could make it easier to stay in shape? What if without changing the types of food you’re eating, just the times you eat them […]

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