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A Slightly Different Way of Keeping An Eye On What You Eat


Do you eat pretty well Monday to Friday and then go bonkers at the weekend?

Have you considered the fact that it’s most likely going to be Tuesday or Wednesday before you have lost the few pounds of weight you gained over the weekend (which almost certainly won’t actually be fat) and got back to where you were on Friday, and that you are cutting the available time to make progress towards your goal to only two or three days of the week? It’s a bit of a thought when you think it through like this, isn […]

What To Do When The Novelty Wears Off


When you first change your diet and start an exercise program, it’s fun – you get to go shopping for different food, you get to search for and try out new recipes, you get excited noticing all the changes which happen pretty quickly… and, because it’s new, it’s your main focus!

But then, life gets in the way. Your focus shifts and, since your brain doesn’t have capacity to focus on everything all the time, you fall off the wagon. Everyone does. It’s very, very unusual for someone to make a big and permanent change to […]

Top Tips For Exercising Your Middle


A flatter middle is one of the most desired outcomes from starting a weight loss quest. Our middle is something of a focal point on our bodies and can tell us (and others!) a lot about whether we are fit and healthy – fat seems to store in the area annoyingly easily.

It is true to say that the absolute number one thing which you must do in order to improve the look of your middle is get your nutrition right.

This said, using the muscles your stomach is also important, both for looks and for function of your body.

The […]

Tips for Cellulite



Before 1972 no one even knew what it was.

A lady called Nicole Ronsard wrote a book and sold products to help us lose the lumpy fat on our legs and bottom – she opened a huge new industry for cellulite creams and products; and a whole new way for us to feel bad about ourselves!

Even though over 90% of us have cellulite, this is a good example of how products are advertised to us in a way which makes us feel theres something wrong with us and which we need to fix.

Have you ever used any of […]

Just Start – Right Now!


Despite there being 365 perfectly good days a year to start your quest to improved health and weight loss, for some reason, a Monday feels like the best time. I can see that; it’s a fresh week, and it always feels good to start at the beginning of something. It’s a fresh start – a chance to start as you wish to carry on.

Have you ever considered, though, that this cuts your available days to make a change quite significantly. You now only have 52 days of the year you could make a start.

Then, you add in […]

Do You Need To Eat MORE To Lose Weight?


In my last newsletter, we discussed the changes to make when you stop losing fat despite doing everything right.

For some people, they have cut their calories so low and increased their exercise so much, that the idea of going any further would leave them existing virtually on air alone, and with no time to do anything other than exercise.

This is where reverse dieting can be transformative.

If your diet is overall very good, but you are eating very few calories and seem to gain weight by going over on your intake just once, it is worth taking a […]

Why Fat Loss Stalls – And What To Do About It


You’ve been doing a great job of sticking to your workout routine and nutrition plan, the scales have been steadily going down and your jeans have been getting looser.

Then, suddenly, things grind to a halt and you find the things which were working have ceased to do so!

Instead of declaring yourself ‘beyond help’ and settling down to an afternoon of eating junk (I’ve never worked out why this feels so logical in the heat of the moment!), let’s take a second to look at what is likely going on and work out how to get […]

The Best At-Home Exercise Equipment


Personally, I hate getting out of breath. Unless you unleash a hungry lion behind me, you’re highly unlikely to make me run.

Which makes the fact that resistance training is still the king of exercise a wonderful bonus for me.

I believe the times are starting to change for exercise. More and more people are starting to learn of the benefits of resistance training for all round health and fitness.

But this doesnt mean that you suddenly have the time, or inclination, to go to the gym, so if you want to give resistance training a go, how can […]

Five Things You Can Do Today To Get January Off To A Good Start


So, the kids are back at school, the Christmas tree is down, a remarkable amount of glitter has been hoovered up and there’s that nice feeling of being able to make a fresh start with the new year.

Sadly, we can’t bottle that lovely feeling, so here are five things you can do today to take advantage of it and get 2019 off to a great start.

Don’t over-commit
When the fresh-start feeling strikes, it’s too easy to think this time will be different and you’ll be able to get up […]

Why You Shouldn’t Exercise To Burn Calories


High intensity exercise classes. They’re pretty fun, the atmosphere is good, you get to have a chat with your friends while you’re there… And it feels almost safe, like you can stay somewhat hidden amongst the other people there, you’re not going to be put on the spot.

You burn plenty of calories during the class, you get a good sweat on, and it feels like you must have achieved loads.

Honestly though, this style of exercise is really not optimal. You do indeed burn lots of calories, but you’re stressing your system with such frequent […]