Health Archives | Fitbiz Training

Who Is Most Likely To Benefit from Semaglutide?


A lot of you enjoyed the article I wrote a few weeks about semaglutide. I received a lot of questions, so I wanted to write a more thorough piece about it.

The most common question I received was some variation of “should I try it?”.

Obviously, I can’t tell you the answer to that, but I can give you my opinion on who it might be most effective for. Of course, there are lots of considerations and your suitability for semaglutide does not only come down to these things – but I think it’s a good place to begin […]

Are You Considering Using Ozempic?


It’s interesting to see that ozempic / semaglutide is gaining so much traction all of a sudden – and (this is likely not what you’re expecting me to say) I think perhaps it might be one of the safer weight loss aids.

In fact, I think peptides in general could become big news over the coming years. There’s talk about various peptides helping digestive issues, joint issues, reducing pain, slowing ageing – and many other things too. But for now, in the UK, they’re fringe at best, and considered as for research purposes only!

Back to semaglutide.

I really […]

Do You Enjoy HIIT Workouts?


If it’s the kind of exercise you enjoy, then a bit of HIIT can certainly form a part of your overall exercise plan.


If you’re doing HIIT several times a week and it’s the main part – or the entirety – of your workout plan, then it might be worth considering making a change.

I would argue that repeatedly doing HIIT sessions is likely not optimal for your body, especially over the longer term.

Often, doing HIIT regularly leads to injuries. This might be caused by simply doing too many repetitive, explosive movements too often; or perhaps a […]

Do You Struggle To Sleep All Night?


I spoke to someone the other day who was trying EVERYTHING to improve their sleep quality – supplements, diet changes and routine changes as well as a variety of things that were a little more “out there” like blue light blocking glasses and so on.

Yet, nothing really seemed to help. Every night, she’d pass out through exhaustion then wake up a few hours later and be restless for the rest of the night.

We zoomed out of the sleep issue and chatted about the bigger picture. We discussed her exercise routine and lifestyle and a likely issue came into […]

Have You Tried Everything to Improve Your Chronic Pain?


If you’re struggling with a long term injury or pain, you’ve likely tried a whole load of ‘stuff’ ranging from rest to therapists, as well as other things like diet changes, supplements – or good-old blaming your age!

But, have you ever tried being less specific and just working on improving mobility in your body as a whole?

This pretty simple thing can work absolute magic.

Of course, a decent hands on therapist can be awesome and super helpful – but if you’ve been seeing someone (or a variety of people) and doing all the corrective exercises for […]

Something You Might Not Have Thought Of


Do you drink while you’re eating in order to wash your food down?

Perhaps it’s worth reconsidering this.

If you can eat your meals without drinking, you’ll find it slows your eating down.

Its great to eat more slowly for various reasons.

Thinking about weight loss, one great reason is that it takes a while for your body to let you know that you’ve eaten enough. So, if you’ve eaten slowly, you’re less likely to have over eaten before you get the signal.

Next, eating more slowly means better digestion. Your digestion works best […]

Tasty Food For Weight Loss


If you want to lose weight, you are allowed to eat tasty food!

I LOVE good food. I enjoy choosing, shopping for and preparing a nice meal.

As I’ve said before, a meal that looks good and tastes good is more satisfying than a meal made up with the same calories and nutrients but which looks a mess and isn’t especially tasty.

Likewise, herbs and spices add calorie free flavour – and a surprising amount of extra nutrition too.

Remember that any real food is healthy food.

You don’t need to survive on plain chicken and broccoli if […]

Do You Wear A Fitness Tracker?


Most people I meet these days have some kind of wearable fitness tracker.

Their popularity has EXPLODED over the last few years.

Personally, I use an Oura ring, which I find pretty good. It’s more a sleep and recovery tracker which also tracks activity too.

The other day, I caught myself looking at the data from the previous nights sleep and thinking “oh, that’s nice”. I then proceeded to forget all about it and just move on with my day.

Which got me thinking about how many of us must do this.

Wearing these things is only useful […]

Tips For A Great Nights Sleep


Sleep is so important, yet, do you really know what makes a good nights sleep?

A great gauge is to think about whether you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

You could also consider your energy levels throughout the day. Although sleep might not be the full story, if you’re feeling tired it could well be a sign that you’ve not slept enough, or that your sleep quality needs a bit of work.

If you’re restless, wake frequently in the night, or just feel like you don’t sleep well, these are more signs […]

Will Deep Squats Damage Your Knees?


I had an interesting conversation with a client this morning about squat depth and knee health, and I thought it might be of interest to some of you.

There’s a bit more information about this on the Facebook group – if you’d like to read more, please do join at

So, a deep squat is defined as going below parallel. Parallel is the point of a squat at which your hips are in line with your knees. Below parallel is the point at which your hips are below your knees.

Clearly, a lot of […]

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