Heather Smith, Author at Fitbiz Training | Page 9 of 23

Are You Increasing Your Health & Fitness ‘Savings’ – Or Spending Them?


Losing weight and getting fit is hard for a variety of reasons.

One of the reasons is that there is a cost to reaching your goal.

Choices have to be made, and while I don’t believe you have to deny yourself any fun, there will be times where you have to make the right decision and not the decision you’d like to make.

But, there is also a cost to NOT staying fit and lean.

I like to think of health and fitness as a bank balance. There’s no need to eat a perfect diet 100% of […]

Menopause: Four Key Basics To Put In Place


Menopause seems to have come into the spotlight recently, and finally there is more good quality information available.

But, as with everything, a huge amount of information often overwhelms us. And while menopause certainly can be complicated, there are some key basics which are an important place to begin.

Self care is super important during menopause, and making sure we’re eating well and getting the right nutrients as well as adapting some lifestyle habits can provide long lasting benefits and make the transition through menopause easier.

So, here are four key things to put in place as the foundation […]

Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide


All the information you need in order to achieve all your goals in life – health and fitness or otherwise – is already available, for free.

The difficult bit is sifting through the huge amounts of information and deciding which bits apply to you, and how to apply them.

I’ve worked with so many people who feel like they know what they need to do, but haven’t managed to make it stick until we’ve sat together and put everything into a logical order.

This, I feel, is where working with a personal trainer is invaluable. I don’t think […]

Some Thoughts On Calorie Counts On Menus


Bigger and chain restaurants now have to list calorie counts on their menus.

Have you had experience of the new menu styles yet? What do you think to the idea?

For me, there are some positives and some negatives.

I think for those of us who aren’t Bridget Jones and don’t know calorie counts better than the alphabet, it might be quite eye opening to see the calories for some of our favourite meals out. Wagamama is a great example of this – how is it even possible for a plate of noodles to near 1000 calories a portion […]

Good, General, Targets for Improving Your Health & Fitness


When we’re aiming to lose weight and improve our health and fitness, there are few absolutes – but below, I’m going to share some good general targets to put in place to get yourself started.

You might find that you’re only falling short on a couple, or you might find that most of the areas could do with some work. Either way, brush up on the places which need attention and I think you’ll notice everything gets easier from there.

The reason we look at all these areas is because they all link together. For example, it […]

How To Get Yourself Back On Track


If there was a competition to see how much chocolate it is possible to eat over one weekend, I really think I’d be in the winners line up, if not in the actual number one position.

And honestly, I feel yuck having over indulged!

I know I’m not the only one who feels like this after a time of being taken off course, and I also know that it can be really difficult to pick yourself up. Right now would be an easy time to allow old habits to slip back in, and to allow months of hard […]

A Fantastic Recipe For Steak Skewers


It’s been a little while since I shared a recipe with you, so I thought that now the weather seems to be cheering up a little I’d share the most delicious steak skewer recipe. You know I like a good meal and so you can trust me when I say that these are well worth trying!

This said of course, as I look out the window this morning, it feels rather optimistic to think these have any chance of making it to the BBQ over the weekend – but I’ve cooked them on a griddle before and they […]

Stress – Is It Derailing Your Efforts?


Stress – our reaction to the things that happen.

We all deal with things differently. Something which is stressful for one person, doesn’t even register for another.

In the short term and in the right dose, stress can feel like it gives us a nice boost – we feel energised, clear headed, focussed and ready to take on whatever comes at us.

An overdose of stress can lead to some pretty big negatives – disregulated blood sugar, hormone disruption, reduced immunity, poor sleep, compromised digestion, a preference to store body fat… In short, too much stress can make it harder to reach […]

A Simple Way To Improve Your Diet


Us humans love to over complicate stuff. Particularly healthy eating it seems.

More and more often these days, I receive calls from people looking for help in working out how to apply the massive amount of information they’ve accumulated. These days, most of us have a fair amount of knowledge of what healthy eating looks like – and the reason we don’t make a start is often because we’ve been bamboozled with all the information available and aren’t sure how to bring it all together.

So, let’s cut through the information overload and look at this […]

Which Is Better for Fat Loss – Cardio vs Resistance Exercise?


While it’s true that you’ll burn more calories during a cardio workout than during a resistance training workout, there are several reasons that the resistance work is still far more important.

You see, the calories that you’re using for your cardio workout stop being used as soon as you finish your workout, just like you’d expect. But, when you’re doing a resistance workout, that doesn’t happen and instead our resistance workout gives our metabolism a boost which lasts for up to 72 hours after the workout!

The other issue with using cardio workouts to […]

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