Heather Smith, Author at Fitbiz Training | Page 4 of 23

Tips For A Great Nights Sleep


Sleep is so important, yet, do you really know what makes a good nights sleep?

A great gauge is to think about whether you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

You could also consider your energy levels throughout the day. Although sleep might not be the full story, if you’re feeling tired it could well be a sign that you’ve not slept enough, or that your sleep quality needs a bit of work.

If you’re restless, wake frequently in the night, or just feel like you don’t sleep well, these are more signs […]

Three Strategies To Lose Weight


Often in November we try to tighten up our diets for a few weeks, in anticipation of all the tasty treats heading our way over Christmas.

If this is the position you find yourself in right now, remember a revelation is not what is needed – 99% of the time, a simple ‘brush up’ around the edges is enough to achieve the changes you’re looking for.

Here are my top three strategies to put in place in order to shift a few pounds over the next few weeks:

Write Down Your Food Intake

You probably already have a […]

Cardio Exercise Is Terrible For Fat Loss


There was a study released recently which compared cardio, strength training and a combination of both together.

I believe this is the first study to have compared these three types of exercise for their effects on fat loss.

The results?

Those who only strength trained lost more body fat and maintained more muscle than those in the cardio only group.

And even a little more than those in the combined group! (This is interesting to note – more work doesn’t always equate to more results).

Remember that while, at least for the short time, you’ll burn more calories during […]

Will Deep Squats Damage Your Knees?


I had an interesting conversation with a client this morning about squat depth and knee health, and I thought it might be of interest to some of you.

There’s a bit more information about this on the Facebook group – if you’d like to read more, please do join at www.facebook.com/groups/fitbiztraining

So, a deep squat is defined as going below parallel. Parallel is the point of a squat at which your hips are in line with your knees. Below parallel is the point at which your hips are below your knees.

Clearly, a lot of […]

Workouts Designed for Women


Workouts “For Women”

The fitness industry has a lot to answer for. There’s a lot of rubbish touted as fact, and one of the biggest red flags when you’re buying a workout program is if it has been designed for women!

These programs involve lighter weights and higher reps.

Apparently they make your body sculpt without ‘getting big’.

The first thing to know is that it really is HARD to gain enough muscle to make you look bulky, especially as a woman.

The next thing is the exercises generally contained in these workouts. They’re not usually the […]

Should You Exercise If You’re Sore?


Should I exercise if I feel sore?

Yes. You probably should.

It’s starting to be shown in research that what many have known from experience for a long time is true. Exercising on top of a muscle ache will generally reduce the severity of the ache more quickly than resting. Getting your body moving and making things flow is helpful.

This said, there are different types of soreness.

If you’re sore due to an injury, then you should probably back off the injured area until the initial inflammation has gone down and you have a plan for fixing […]

Finding Time For Exercise


While some people seem to find it easy to fit exercise into their life, others find it very hard to find the time.

There are lots of ways to look at this, but for today, let’s look at the idea of exercise featuring on a scale.

Think of doing zero exercise as a 0, and doing regular intense workouts aiming towards some sort of competitive event as a 10.

You don’t have to go in at a 10!

Doing ANY kind of movement is positive – and you probably never NEED to reach a 10 on this scale.

Before […]

The Great News About Being New To Exercise!


I’ve added a bit of a “part two” to this won the Facebook group – if you’d like to read it, you can read it here. See the post from 26th September 2023.

Getting started with a structured exercise routine can be a different experience to, say, getting into the habit of going for a regular walk.

The routine is only one part; it often feels like there’s a lot to learn – associating the names of exercises with the how-to can feel like you’re learning a new language!

But the great news when you’re starting […]

Two Options For Weight Loss


When you’re looking to lose weight, really, you have two options:

Option A
Cut your intake drastically, increase your activity and hold on tight.
Option B
Make sustainable changes to your diet and exercise habits.

Now, no one is going to tell you that option A won’t work. It will work, and it’ll work quickly. You will see quick changes with this option BUT, what you’ll find is that you also reach a long lasting, hard plateau fairly quickly.

And, once you’ve reached this plateau, it will be hard to break through it without […]

Are Your Habits & Routines Helping You Reach Your Goals?


You can’t help but have habits and routines. Often, they happen naturally – I don’t think they can be avoided!

But the habits you have and the routines you put in place for yourself have the ability to make or break your health and fitness journey, and so, I think it is worth creating some well thought out routines too.

You see, your habits and routines can either distract you and create all kinds of mental battles, or they can help you achieve your goals.

Good routines are not restrictive, they actually provide freedom from the emotional turmoil of […]

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