Heather Smith, Author at Fitbiz Training | Page 22 of 23

Shoulder Pain & Exercise


I don’t know why it would be this way, but I seem to go through phases of working with clients with the same injuries.

I can go for weeks and the only injuries which will be spoken of will be back injuries.

Then, back pain will go and I’ll work with a wave of clients with knee injuries.

The pain of the moment seems to be that related to the shoulder.

I seem to naturally gravitate towards writing about food and lifestyle topics, and although hugely important, these topics are of course not the whole picture of being […]

Feeling Hay Fever-y?


Isn’t it a shame when the summer finally arrives and then we’re all full of hay fever? How boring. And actually, isn’t it just unbelievably unpleasant.

I have suffered with hay fever for years and years, yet, when I changed my diet a couple of years ago, my hay fever stopped.

Most of you know how fascinating I find nutrition, and hay fever is a topic which really highlights how nutrition truly affects absolutely everything. At first glance, it doesn’t sound like hay fever is much to do with what you’re eating, but once you […]

A Delicious Curry Recipe To Try


Recipe time!

I’ve been making this curry quite a lot lately. Its just the right amount of spice, is made with almost all store cupboard ingredients – and for some reason I always seem to have half a tin of coconut milk and half a carton of passata in the fridge, so it makes good use of them!

This is slightly adapted from the red Real Meal Revolution recipe book, which I think is probably my favourite recipe book ever.

Its going to take you about 15 minutes in total to prepare this and around half an hour for it […]

Can Alcohol Form Part Of A Healthy Lifestyle


Well, I must admit it was rather nerve wracking watching to see how many of you would vote for me with your clicks last week! Thank you for sticking around; I’m glad to hear you enjoy the things I send to you.

If there is anything you would like to read about, please do let me know; I am always open to suggestions.

The question of today is ‘would I be healthier if I stopped drinking’?

Boozy drinks seem to show up a fair bit during our week – a glass of wine to mark the end of the day […]

Have You Ruined Your Metabolism?


Is it possible to actually slow down your metabolism by long-term dieting?

Can you make your body burn less calories?

Is starvation mode something which really happens?

Lets answer the starvation mode question straight away – no. It does not really happen. Your body does not get fatter because you are eating too little. Good. Let’s move on.

As for whether you can truly ruin your metabolism and make your body burn less calories, the answer is also no, you cannot truly ruin your metabolism. But, you can make it slower (or just appear slower) – and you can make […]

Two Quick, Easy & Delicious Lunch Recipes


Lunch can be a bit of a boring meal.

What can you make which is quick and easy, uses ingredients you’ve probably got in the house already, isn’t too filling but is appealing enough to satisfy you and keep you away from the biscuit tin all afternoon?

Here are two of my favourite quick, easy, tasty lunch recipes:

‘Tuna And Stuff’
To serve one you’ll need:
A tin of tuna, drained
A generous teaspoon each of sliced black olives and sun-dried tomatoes
A sprinkle of pumpkin seeds
Chopped fresh parsley
A tablespoon of olive oil
An […]

Is Coaching Better Than Going It Alone?


When you’re trying to get in shape, you have a few options.

You can go it alone.

You can get advice about what to do.

Or you can get advice about what to do AND be coached through it.

Which works best?

This week, a study was released which shows the benefit of working with a coach or trainer.

They took 52 firefighters and assigned them to one of three groups – a group which recieved exercise programming and combined it with coaching on how to do it properly; a group which received only the programming; and a control group […]

How To Sleep More Effectively


Did you know your sleep quality can be the difference between good results and great results?

Poor sleep seems to be very common these days, particularly in women.

If the ONLY thing I worked on with a client was improving their sleep, the results they would see from almost any approach they were taking to eating and exercise would increase hugely.

The importance of sleep is often very underestimated in terms of its importance for not just getting in shape and losing body fat, but also for keeping your health in good check.

With this in mind, here are some […]

Top Tips For Improving Mental Power


How wonderful would it be to always have the get up and go needed to get things done, and not to have to wait for the right moment to strike.

Improved clarity and focus is the difference between easily achieving what you want during the day, and either battling through trying to force yourself to get things done, or finding your to-do list growing ever longer by the day.

So here are my top tips for improving your mental power.

The first, obvious and expected, tip is to improve your diet. Cut the junk, don’t over or under […]

Is The Sugar Tax Going To Affect Your Waistline?


So this week saw the Sugar Tax come into effect.

Soft drinks manufacturers have to pay 18p per litre if their drinks contain more than 5g sugar per 100ml, and 24p per litre if the drink contains more than 8g sugar per 100ml.

The result of course is that companies making said drinks are reducing the sugar in their recipes, in order to avoid the tax. I’m all for this, of course its a positive thing.

I don’t think anyone can argue against the fact that we need to be eating less sugar. And I’m not anti […]

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