Heather Smith, Author at Fitbiz Training | Page 18 of 23

The Scales: Do They Fluctuate To Torment Us?


I feel, at least in part, the answer to that is: yes.

Why else would they not always represent the work you’ve put in? Why is it that you can eat utter rubbish on Saturday, then lose half a kilo by Sunday morning. And why can you eat like an advert for healthy living for a week straight, then gain weight!


The first thing to remember is that weirdly low and weirdly high weigh-ins are probably just that – weird. They have absolutely nothing to do with your overall progress and are not an indication that you gained […]

What You Need To Know Before Going Vegan


A few years ago a lot of people didn’t really know what it meant to be vegan but now, every other restaurant has a vegan option on their menu, and snacks proudly stamp words to the effect of ‘vegan friendly’ on the packaging.

Veganism has had a massive surge in popularity, but before you give it a try, here are some things to keep in mind.

Firstly, if you’re thinking about trying veganism to improve your health, it is worth remembering that there are a million causes of poor health, and it’s likely that eating animal products […]

Do You Find Exercise A Chore?


Of course, you can pick anyone who pops into your mind as being an avid exerciser, and be pretty certain that they have days when they just can’t be bothered and where they’re only going through the motions.

Whatever you’re doing and however much you love it; some days you’re just not very good at it and everything feels too difficult.

But there’s a huge difference between these situations and only ever doing a particular exercise because you feel like you should, or because you’re only thinking about the calories you’re burning etc […]

Keeping Your Skin Young Without Creams!


Ageing skin is a big industry, there must be a gazillion lotions and potions available, all claiming to improve your complexion, smooth our skin and reduce the ‘signs of ageing’. Now, there is a genetic link to how our skin ages, of course, but there are also other factors which affect how your skin ages beyond what we smear on it every morning.

The first thing is good old stress. It’s a huge factor which is often overlooked – and just because you’re not experiencing the hair-pulling image of stress, doesn’t mean your body is not experiencing […]

Is Stress An Issue For You?


We all have a definition of stress inside our minds, and it’s something along the lines of the feeling of overwhelm you get from having too much to do, or feeling under pressure for some reason or another.

These are both correct definitions of stress, but actually, stress comes from a lot more places than you might have considered.

How about the stress your body is under when something (or someone!) upsets you, for example? It’s also stressful to your body when it isn’t getting the nutrition it needs, or if you’re dehydrated, not getting enough […]

Do You Eat Enough Protein


Protein. Everywhere. It seems to be the latest buzz word in the ‘healthy food’ world. We’re seeing protein chocolate bars and protein cereal, not to mention protein snacks and general advertising of the fact that a food contains protein. Albeit that the celebrated amounts of protein are usually pretty slim; Weetabix Protein gives you an extra 3g protein per portion than normal Weetabix, for example.

Overall though, I think this general awareness of ensuring your protein intake is sufficient is a good thing. I think amongst people just trying to stay healthy, protein is generally under eaten.

So, how […]

Why It’s Not Worth Exercising To Burn Calories


Exercise. The magical thing which earns us calorie free cakes and ice creams.

And the harder we work, the more calories we burn and the more cakes we can eat with no consequence.

If only. Oh goodness me, IF ONLY!!

Let’s take a look at the numbers.

Low intensity exercise, like going for a slow walk on the flat, burns about 4 calories a minute – so about 250 calories in an hour.

Moderate intensity exercise, which probably covers most intentional exercise like going for a constant paced swim or a cycle, or perhaps even your average gym session, burns […]

Could Changing Your Diet Reduce Hay Fever Symptoms?


So not only is it miserable and raining outside with no sign of summer arriving any time soon, but we all seem to be sniffing and rubbing our eyes with hay fever too!

Hay fever is one of those things where you only realise how unpleasant it is when you’ve had it.

At first glance, it seems like hay fever can’t be much to do with what you’re eating, but when you look a little deeper, it becomes clear that it could actually be everything to do with what you’re eating.

First, I should say that […]

A Quick & Easy Lunch Recipe


We’ve recently brought some lovely feathery friends to come and live in our garden, and when they’re not up to mischief, they are laying us some delicious eggs.

As a result, we’re finding ourselves eating a lot of eggs – this is one of my favourite new recipes. It’s a bit of a variation on a shakshuka eggs recipe and is a great way to get a tonne of veg onto your plate! You could quite easily cook a big batch of the veg mix then just reheat and add the eggs for a quick lunch.

Serves […]

Top Three Movements If You’re Over 40


As we get older, our bodies change. It’s probably not purely a side effect of ageing, instead it’s indicative of changing priorities and focus.

We have less time to focus on ourselves and so we need to re-focus our exercise routines on maintaining strength and mobility as much as possible. If we do them well, these movements will also have the added bonus of helping keep our weight in check.

In my mind, there are three key movements anyone over 40 needs to be doing regularly. These are:

Rowing Movements
Your shoulders are your most mobile joint […]

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