Heather Smith, Author at Fitbiz Training | Page 13 of 23

The Habit Of Over Eating


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

As you know, these email newsletters I send are written with the intention of giving you skills and information you can use to make real changes to your nutrition, fitness and health.

With this in mind, I’d like to know what you’re finding hard with respect to nutrition and exercise at the minute.

What can I send over the coming weeks which you would find helpful? 

Small things, big things – it doesn’t matter […]

Is It Good To Ache After A Workout?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Let’s talk about muscle aches after a workout.

Is it a good thing to ache? And does it mean you haven’t worked hard enough if you don’t ache the next day?

Well, the science says that no, you definitely don’t need to ache after a workout in order to be progressing. Just because you’re not aching after yesterday’s workout does not mean it wasn’t an effective workout.

But, is the flip side true too? Have […]

Getting Back Into Exercise After A Break


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Huge numbers of people have flooded back to gyms this week. This re-opening of gyms seems to have initiated a ‘fresh start’ type feeling which has followed on to those who don’t fancy the gym for whatever reason and have made a start at a new at-home workout program.

It is not at all essential to exercise in a gym if you want to lose weight and make changes to your health and fitness. I […]

Are You Struggling To Make A Start?


All the information you need to make the changes you want to make to your body, fitness and nutrition is already available for free.

It is not a lack of knowledge that prevents us from getting off the starting line and making changes.

The trouble is that the massive amount of information available is often contradictory and so leaves us feeling unsure, confused and overwhelmed. The confused mind often chooses not to make any changes and instead to simply stay with what is comfortable and familiar. If we do manage to make some changes, we often don’t give them […]

How Much Should I Eat?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Much is made (by me!) of the need to make sure you’re eating sufficient protein. And that is massively important, and perhaps even more so when you’re aiming to lose weight.

But, the question that follows is: how much of everything else should I eat?

Well, the first part of the answer to that question is: if you focus purely on eating until you are satisfied rather than stuffed, and only eat nutrient rich ‘real food’ when you are hungry […]

All About Omega 3 & 6


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Omega 3 and 6 are considered essential fats – i.e. fat that you need to eat because your body cannot make it itself. Yet, the focus is always on omega 3 – why is that?

Omega 6 intake needs to be considered less because it is found in things we tend to eat a lot of anyway.

Any type of ready made food is likely to be high in omega 6, since vegetable oils are both high in omega 6 and are in […]

How Kitchen Roll Relates To Fat Loss


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

Alwyn Cosgrove posted the most fantastic thing the other day on Facebook, likening a roll of kitchen roll to fat loss. I thought it was fabulously visual and made the point that just because fat loss might seem slow at times, it’s the fact that you’ve stayed the course which means the results add up over time.

It goes like this:

Take two rolls of kitchen roll, each with 100 sheets. Keep one aside as your ‘before’ picture. Use the […]

On Eating Food You Didn’t Really Want To Eat


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

We’ve all been there. For whatever reason, some kind of off-track food catches your eye and you can think of nothing else until you’ve eaten it. It might not even be something you especially love, but still – we all know it’s only a matter of time before it has been eaten.

Then, the usual course of action follows: shame and guilt followed by laying out a new (probably stricter) set of rules that you should live by. Which […]

Just Keep Turning Up


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

For some reason, exercise seems to be put into a different category than many other things in life and we expect every workout to be a good one. We think that if we are working out regularly, we should be better every time. And if we are not better then often we decide that it is ‘obviously not working’ and that we should just quit.

But the truth we have to accept is that some days (or even weeks) you’re not […]

Do You Need To Move More?


I’ve recorded this email as a video as well. You can find it on Facebook or Instagram.

It is all too easy to spend all day sitting these days, yet most of us want to maintain our health and fitness – and still be able to fit into our ‘nice clothes’ when this is all over!

General movement, which we largely used to achieve without a conscious plan, now needs to be intentionally added into our day – and the time needs to be strictly guarded!

Before we were stuck at home, regardless of what structured exercise we were doing, it […]

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