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What You Need To Know Before Going Vegan


A few years ago a lot of people didn’t really know what it meant to be vegan but now, every other restaurant has a vegan option on their menu, and snacks proudly stamp words to the effect of ‘vegan friendly’ on the packaging.

Veganism has had a massive surge in popularity, but before you give it a try, here are some things to keep in mind.

Firstly, if you’re thinking about trying veganism to improve your health, it is worth remembering that there are a million causes of poor health, and it’s likely that eating animal products […]

Keeping Your Skin Young Without Creams!


Ageing skin is a big industry, there must be a gazillion lotions and potions available, all claiming to improve your complexion, smooth our skin and reduce the ‘signs of ageing’. Now, there is a genetic link to how our skin ages, of course, but there are also other factors which affect how your skin ages beyond what we smear on it every morning.

The first thing is good old stress. It’s a huge factor which is often overlooked – and just because you’re not experiencing the hair-pulling image of stress, doesn’t mean your body is not experiencing […]

Do You Eat Enough Protein


Protein. Everywhere. It seems to be the latest buzz word in the ‘healthy food’ world. We’re seeing protein chocolate bars and protein cereal, not to mention protein snacks and general advertising of the fact that a food contains protein. Albeit that the celebrated amounts of protein are usually pretty slim; Weetabix Protein gives you an extra 3g protein per portion than normal Weetabix, for example.

Overall though, I think this general awareness of ensuring your protein intake is sufficient is a good thing. I think amongst people just trying to stay healthy, protein is generally under eaten.

So, how […]

Could Changing Your Diet Reduce Hay Fever Symptoms?


So not only is it miserable and raining outside with no sign of summer arriving any time soon, but we all seem to be sniffing and rubbing our eyes with hay fever too!

Hay fever is one of those things where you only realise how unpleasant it is when you’ve had it.

At first glance, it seems like hay fever can’t be much to do with what you’re eating, but when you look a little deeper, it becomes clear that it could actually be everything to do with what you’re eating.

First, I should say that […]

What Is Metabolic Adaptation


Metabolic adaptation is the phrase used to describe the efficiency with which your body switches between fuel sources, and the processes which can change as a downstream result of this.

Thinking back to when we used to live in caves and hunt for our food, metabolic adaptation was the reason we didn’t starve to death after a day with no food. Our bodies tapped into their stores when they ran out of fuel from the food we’d eaten, and at the same time, slowed down the speed at which our body worked in order to conserve as much […]

The Single Most Effective First Change You Can Make To The Way You Eat


Last week we looked at three habits you could put in place in order to get your fat loss, but what if you found yourself feeling like you needed a smaller step to get you started?

If I could only give one nutrition tip to someone right at the beginning of their journey with no particular knowledge of the fitness world, it would be this:

Eliminate all processed food.

That’s it.


Well, aside from the fact that processed food is basically not very healthy, it is actually designed to override your bodies natural satiety signals. This means, that […]

Three Things To Add To Your Daily Routine To Improve Fat Loss


If you’re struggling to get started with your weight loss quest, try bringing these three simple things into your day to get yourself moving in the right direction.

Increase Your General Activity
Any activity which isn’t actual structured exercise is worth increasing; although the efforts sound small, the extra calories you can burn every day add up quickly and will make a big difference over a few months.

Consciously plan to get a bit more activity into your day; deliberately park as far away from the shops as you can, take the stairs rather than the lift, and […]

What If You Have No Off-Switch?


Last week I wrote about how you can look at your food intake across a whole week rather than as a daily amount.

I said that you could take the appeal off ‘special food’ by allowing yourself a little of it a little more often, but that there are some foods which we just have no off-switch for, no matter what we try.

The truth is that there are no bad foods.

There are some foods you should satisfy your hunger with (real food!) and some you need to keep to a minimum (processed food) in order to keep […]

A Slightly Different Way of Keeping An Eye On What You Eat


Do you eat pretty well Monday to Friday and then go bonkers at the weekend?

Have you considered the fact that it’s most likely going to be Tuesday or Wednesday before you have lost the few pounds of weight you gained over the weekend (which almost certainly won’t actually be fat) and got back to where you were on Friday, and that you are cutting the available time to make progress towards your goal to only two or three days of the week? It’s a bit of a thought when you think it through like this, isn […]

A Fabulous Fish Pie Recipe


Time for a recipe!

I love a good fish pie. But it always seems off the menu when you’re trying to improve your health and lose weight.

Fish is a great thing to include in our diet, not least for the iodine which is needed for your thyroid gland to work properly, and which is a very common thing for us to be deficient in. Amongst a lot of other things, our thyroid controls our metabolism – the ‘speed’ our body works at – if your thyroid is working less than optimally, it’s likely to leave you feeling lethargic and […]