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How To Get Motivated


First up, have you joined the new Facebook group yet? If not, please do – this week I’ve written about Christmas and the benefits of cold!

Today, let’s look at discipline.

It is THE answer to staying consistent with your plan. It’s the thing which will make you stick to your routine even when you don’t want to. It means you’re not hanging on to your willpower hoping you feel the urge to do the things you need to do, and instead, you just do them because you have an internal motivation to do it.

For […]

How To Get Into Exercise After 40


The answer depends a large amount on whether you’re new to structured exercise, and I’m going to focus on those of you who have not been in a consistent exercise routine for any length of time here.

Those of you who have been in a consistent routine can have another read of my series from a few months ago. This is the one about exercise: How Stuff Changes As We Age

I think that being either completely or fairly new to exercise around 40 can actually make it easier to figure out how you are best to exercise […]

What Supplements Should I Take?


Let me begin by confirming that I am not about to try to sell you a particular brand of supplements, as is usually the case with these kinds of articles!

As you might imagine, I get asked about supplements a lot. It can be quite a confusing area, and there are a lot of supplements out there which can and do help, but there are also plenty which are unlikely to offer any benefits!

It’s also worth considering the reason you’re looking for a supplement which can add another thing to consider. This doesn’t mean the benefit […]

How To Know Whether Your Plan Is Working


You’ve probably tried your fair share of different nutrition and exercise strategies over the years. Sometimes, it’s obvious an approach isn’t working for you – for example you might physically not be able to achieve what you need to in order to maintain your plan, or you might feel less energetic, your gut might not feel happy or you might experience food cravings.

But what about when an approach IS working for you? How do you really know?

Well, there are a few different aspects here which are worth considering.

How are you feeling:
Are you sleeping well […]

Another Reason Strength Training Is Great


There was a really interested study published about the remarkable effects of strength training which showed that just three seconds of resistance work a day was enough to cause measurable strength gains. Isn’t that incredible!

Now, before you start thinking you’ve found your new exercise routine, remember that this probably isn’t how you should exercise and this 3 second workout probably wouldn’t continue to provide improvements forever – but, this study does highlight the amazing effects of strength work.

It reassures you that if you were to create a routine of 45 minutes strength training even twice […]

Do You Need Intense Workouts To Get Fit?


When I suggest you improve your fitness, what image flashes through your mind?

I imagine it’s a hard and fast workout which leaves you gasping for breath and dripping with sweat on the floor.

It seems that these types of workouts have become what it means to be fit.

And if this is how you think you have to exercise if you want to lose weight and get fit, then I have excellent news for you – these kinds of workouts are not essential!

Often I find myself conveying the importance of resistance exercise, and this is because resistance exercise […]

Benefits Only A Personal Trainer Can Provide


All the information you need in order to achieve all your goals in life – health and fitness or otherwise – is already available, for free.

The difficult bit is sifting through the huge amounts of information and deciding which bits apply to you, and how to apply them.

I’ve worked with so many people who feel like they know what they need to do, but haven’t managed to make it stick until we’ve sat together and put everything into a logical order.

This, I feel, is where working with a personal trainer is invaluable. I don’t think […]

Good, General, Targets for Improving Your Health & Fitness


When we’re aiming to lose weight and improve our health and fitness, there are few absolutes – but below, I’m going to share some good general targets to put in place to get yourself started.

You might find that you’re only falling short on a couple, or you might find that most of the areas could do with some work. Either way, brush up on the places which need attention and I think you’ll notice everything gets easier from there.

The reason we look at all these areas is because they all link together. For example, it […]

Which Is Better for Fat Loss – Cardio vs Resistance Exercise?


While it’s true that you’ll burn more calories during a cardio workout than during a resistance training workout, there are several reasons that the resistance work is still far more important.

You see, the calories that you’re using for your cardio workout stop being used as soon as you finish your workout, just like you’d expect. But, when you’re doing a resistance workout, that doesn’t happen and instead our resistance workout gives our metabolism a boost which lasts for up to 72 hours after the workout!

The other issue with using cardio workouts to […]

Some Easier Ways To Create A Calorie Deficit


In last weeks email I explained that you must be in a calorie deficit if you’re to lose weight, and I discussed several factors which influence both the energy we consume, and the energy our bodies use. These factors can explain why one person might lose weight on a certain diet, whereas someone else might not.

I said at the end of that email that you could make many of the factors work in your favour, so today, I wanted to give you some proper action points. If we can increase the energy our body needs to just stand […]